The route begins and ends in the historic center ot the village of Asciano, immersed in the gentle rounded hills of the Crete Senesi. You start from the main street tollowing the sgns tor “itinerary 2 Crete Senesi Lite Park”. We immediately meet the Basilica of S. Agata, an important medieval church, continuing along the railway underpass and crossing the Bestina stream where we can admire part of the mill system. Thus we take a country road that leads us to the parish church of S. Ippolito, where a fresco by Pinturicchio and Raffaello is located. Thus we begin to enter the Asciano countryside by climbing a hill to reach a ridge that gives us beautitul panoramic points ot the surrounding hills and the mountains of the Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines. Continuing along the ridge we can the surrounding countryside: with the wheat plots and the ditches ot the valley tloors rich in the prized white truffle. Near a tarmhouse we begin to descend along a dirt road that leads us to the small church of the “Madonna del Giardino” and to the chapel of S. Sebastiano, memories of the passage of the “Lauretana” pilgrimage route. From here. take the paved road that leads us back to the historic center ot the village.