Going from Porta Ovile to Porta Pispini, we enter downhill along via Aretina till the valley line in Due Ponti area where we take the road Pieve a Bozzone which for a few kilometers is a succession of huphill stretches and challenging descents. Then, where the dirt stretch begins, the road start to rise gently. We turn now on the left and then on the right, towards Pievasciata. The route offers here panoramic view over Siena and the Chianti hills giving passengers and visitors surprise and bliss.
Passing the crossroads leading to Geggiano (and to the Beautiful Villa Bianchi Bandinelli) we pass the village of Catignano the sign of the Ruins of Cerreto Castle, proceeding slightly huphill, we reach the small village of Pievesciata. It’s time to take a break and then returning on the road and follow the sign to Vagliagli and the Chianti Sculpture Park, where you can walk admiring so many on-sight, outdoor sculptures of contemporary art.
Here a dirt road starts, that climbs lazily up to the crossroads towards Pieve a Bozzone.
We continue pedaling on the dirt road to the ancient Castle of Borgo Scopeto, as indicated by a road sign, going down to Santa Margherita-La Suvera and arrive in Pieve a Bozzone, Weare here, only few kilometers away from Siena.